A Techie Way to Wellness – There’s an App for That!

Did you know that DBSA has its own Wellness Tracker App?

Let’s face it, as a society we have become dependent on our phones. Since we never go anywhere without them, what better way to keep track of your emotional, mental, and physical health. Other trends you can track are lifestyle (sleep, exercise, etc.) and medications (including those pesky side effects). There are monthly reports with summaries of how you Actually felt (as opposed to how you think you felt based on your mood while you are talking to your doctor). A good log will also help you identify consistent triggers you face in your life. This is all super valuable information for your clinician to help create a wellness plan completely customized to you!


Download your free DBSA Wellness Tracker App (Named the 2015 Top Bipolar App) for either Apple or Android here:




If you do not have an account, you can create a new one from the app’s initial screen or by going to https://www.facingus.org/account/signup.

Prefer to track using your computer? No problem. 

  • Register on FacingUs.org to access DBSA Wellness Tracker
  • Login to DBSA Wellness Tracker on FacingUs.org



Why is registration on FacingUs.org required?

FacingUs.org is the tool DBSA uses to store your daily logs. A digital filing cabinet of sorts. Your information is yours and will not be shared. Once registered, you will also be able to use all of the other features and tools on FacingUs.org.

Apple, the Apple logo iPhone and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.



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